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You can use this package in different ways:

As a Django app

Add django_urlconfchecks to your INSTALLED_APPS list in your file.


Now, if there is any error, you can check it when you run python check or when your django server runs or reloads with python runserver.

As a command line tool

urlconfchecks uses the Typer module to parse command line arguments.

Run this command from the root of your project, were is located:

$ urlconfchecks --help

    Usage: urlconfchecks [OPTIONS]

      Check all URLConfs for errors.

      -u, --urlconf PATH    Specify the URLconf to check.
      --install-completion  Install completion for the current shell.
      --show-completion     Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or
                            customize the installation.
      --help                Show this message and exit.

--urlconf is optional, and if not specified, app will try to find the in your current directory for accessing the main URLConf module.


$ urlconfchecks --urlconf my_project.urls

  Done. No errors found.

As a pre-commit hook

Make sure you have pre-commit installed and if not, install it with pip install pre-commit && pre-commit install.

Then, add the following to your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

  - repo:
    rev: v0.11.0
      - id: django-urlconfchecks

Run pre-commit run to check all URLConfs for errors.

Silencing errors and warnings

You can silence specific errors and warnings as described in the System check framework documentation.

For example:


However, this turns off the check for all view functions. Instead of this you can use the URLCONFCHECKS_SILENCED_VIEWS setting for more fine grained silencing. The value must be a dictionary:

  • whose keys are fully qualified dotted paths to view functions or callables, with globbing syntax allowed, e.g. "my_project.views.my_view" or "other_project.*"

  • whose values are comma separated lists of warning or error IDs (without the urlchecker prefix), e.g. "E001,W003”

The default value of URLCONFCHECKS_SILENCED_VIEWS is below. If you override it in your, you will probably want to include the following and add more items:

    "*.View.as_view": "W001",  # CBVs
    "django.views.generic.base.RedirectView": "W001",
    "django.contrib.*": "W003",  # admin etc.